Friday, July 27, 2012

Finding Time to Exercise

I know you are wondering, “How can I tell my husband he can spend more time away from me and our family when he is gone so much as it is?” Allowing your husband the time and space to work out does take away from the precious little time you have with each other. But please think long-term on this one: someday the job will be done, retirement will arrive, and what kind of shape will he be in to enjoy it? And what about how he feels now? Even if you have to put the kids to bed by yourself while he goes for a run, even if he comes home later or leaves earlier for work so he can hit the gym, he will feel better about himself, and he will have more energy to spend on you when he is with you, instead of feeling overweight and cranky. So as far as you are able, encourage your husband to take time for himself in this, and do whatever you can to show him you support him while letting him know you love him just the way he is. If you don’t want him leaving you alone just to exercise, and if you don’t mind sweat droplets covering your TV screen and leaving spots on your carpet, you can work out together at home like my husband and I do. This way you can support his efforts at fitness, spend time with him, and be in better shape yourself. About six months ago, my husband ordered a DVD workout series that we do together in the living room. We planned a time, filled each other’s water bottles, moved the furniture back, and then exercised until we were dripping sweat and lying on the floor, gasping for breath like fish out of water. It was hard to stay motivated at first, and I know we would have quit if we had been trying to do it without each other, but through sickness, my broken toe, my husband’s trial, and other roadblocks, we stuck with it. Now, not only are we in better shape, but we look forward to the camaraderie of pushing though those workouts together. You don’t need to go this extreme; you can go for walks, ride bicycles, or go to the gym or the pool together. The camaraderie will develop if you are together, overcoming obstacles and working toward a common goal of being healthy for your life together.

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