Sunday, May 12, 2013

Police Memorial Week

Not that we need any reminders that the police officers in our lives have a dangerous job, but this is a week where we are to remember the fallen. It is time to take a deep breath and ask God to comfort those who have lost a loved one in the line of duty, and to thank God for the officers in our lives that would give just as much if they had to. It is time to stop taking your precious moments together for granted, because while you were exchanging angry words out of frustration with your beloved, someone else's beloved never made it home, and they don't have the chance to say "I'm sorry" like you have right now. It is time to take your moments one at a time and own them, to choose your words carefully and decide to bless your spouse with them instead of cursing, to heal instead of hurt, to hold instead of push away. Say the loving words your pride doesn't want you to say. Start to love like you know you should. When your family is laughing and having a tickle war on the living room floor, instead of excusing yourself to clean up the kitchen, get down there with them and join in. This week, take time to remember the fallen, to be grateful and thankful for their sacrifice, and to honor their memory by using your days well. This is a better tribute to those who have given their lives than any sticker on your car.

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