Friday, January 27, 2017

10 Signs That You Are Raising Police Children

You know you are raising children in a police family when... 1. The toddler only has six small toy cars, and five of them are police vehicles. The other car is referred to by the older children as "the bad guy." 2. The kids tiptoe around the house after school and ask "When will Daddy wake up?" When you remind them that he has just switched to day shift, they commence playing basketball indoors and banging on the piano. 3. They tell their friends the difference between jail and prison. 4. They tell their friends "My dad doesn't put people in jail. They put themselves there!" 5. When other kids say, "My dad is stronger than your dad," they just chuckle. 6. The toddler's vocabulary includes badge, radio, gun-we-don't-touch, and American Flag. 7. When we pass other patrol cars on the road, the kids ask, "Who was it?" 8. They can sit at a table with all of their closest friends and eat huge pieces of cake in absolute silence, because it is a swearing-in and not a birthday party, and they all know the difference. 9. They can accept without tears that Dad can't make it to their awards ceremony at school, but they are over-the-moon excited in the rare event that he can. 10. They are incredibly protective and incredibly proud of their dad and what he does. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just not thinking clearly.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute list! #4 had me rolling. Family life in law enforcement can definitely be rough, thanks for sharing your experiences, it really helps to see what other people in this position are experiencing!
