Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Police Wife, in service.

A few hours ago my husband began his watch for the night shift and I finally have time to write. Daughters are in bed, dishes are done, toys picked up, and the great debate begins: what do I now do with this time that is completely my own? I could be really productive, and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors, which no one will walk on for at least seven hours. I could indulge in some nighttime tv watching, when I don't have to choose between the Disney Channel or Sports Center. I could watch several hours of people tearing apart and redecorating houses that were nicer than mine to begin with, but that just breeds discontent, sadly. I will probably, because it has become habit in the last few days, make a hot cup of chai spice tea with a little milk and a lot of sugar, grab a blanket and my mom's old copy of Little Women, and curl up in my chair by the fireplace. Graveyard shifter's wives will understand this feeling of complete freedom, a feeling that is so rare for most other wives and mothers, my dear military families excepted. It is the feeling that I have done all I can do for today, there are no more unmet needs until tomorrow, and I am not a worrier (because I don't watch the news), and I can do something to refresh my spirit and prepare to meet all of those needs that will arise tomorrow. Little Women, here I come. Baby, be safe at work, be encouraged, and I will see you in the morning. Kiss me when you get home.

1 comment:

  1. I am dating a police officer with high hopes to marry this man and stumbled upon your blog! so thankful to have found it as I venture into trying to best support/love him well through his job. It is so nice to hear other Christians look and turn to God for identity, comfort, and guidance! thank you for letting the Lord work through you!
