Friday, February 24, 2012

Reasons to be a Cop's Wife

Apparently my husband has been reading my posts, and he informed me today that if I don't post something funny and witty soon, I will need to change the name of my blog. So Baby, this one's for you. And all you police wives out there, make your own list and leave it where your man can see it!

Why I love being a cop's wife:
1. The uniform. Obviously. He looks so hot in it. Especially the BDU's with the tactical vest that says POLICE on the back, like he's about to go break down a door. Am I alone in this? I don't think so...
2. He can carry a gun just about anywhere. Again, hot.
3. When we walk down a dark street at night, shady-looking people get out of his way just because of the way he carries himself.
4. His dark sense of humor. The man can find a way to joke about anything, and I know it is a defense mechanism, but it does make everything better!
5. He has a job I can be proud of, a job that means something and betters society. It has eternal significance.
6. He is a man's man. Testosterone-laden, for better or for worse, but I'll never catch him getting his nails done or his hair highlighted. No way.
7. He has an intense sense of justice. He knows right from wrong, good from evil. He has integrity, and can look himself in the mirror each day with no regrets.
8. Because of department policy, he cannot grow any nasty, scraggly beard or girlish Justin Bieber hairstyle. He has to be clean-cut and clean-shaven, just the way I like him.
9. He is always thinking about my safety, and the safety of our children.
10. He is a modern day knight. He puts on his armor and fights for justice. And he chooses to do it, day after day, because it is what is in his heart to do.
11. The uniform. It is worth mentioning twice. So hot!

Any other things I have missed? It's your turn to comment...

1 comment:

  1. I love this one and will have to reblog it myself! I think you got them all!
